
Borrowing Books and DVDs

Do you have a Dante membership? Then you can borrow our books and DVDs!

Our library includes nearly 2000 books and DVDs. If you do not yet have a membership, contact our office! For Dante members and students enrolled in courses, the library card is free.

Check our online library catalog here!

Presidio Letterario Dante Amman

The Società Dante Alighieri Comitato di Amman is a member of the network of PRESIDI LETTERARI that the Società Dante Alighieri launched in 2019 to promote contemporary Italian books and literature in Italy and around the world.

The Presidi Letterari are hubs specifically dedicated to the dissemination of books and places of gathering but also centers that ensure constant monitoring of the spread of Italian culture on a global scale.

Activities of the Presidio Letterario Dante Amman are:

  • promotion of Italian books in Jordan
  • presentations or meetings with authors in presence and online
  • reading groups
  • reading promotion activities dedicated to children and young people
  • promotion of participation in literary prizes and competitions

Our Presidio Lettarario aims to work in synergy with other local cultural institutions and universities and be a reference point for branching out initiatives related to Italian culture.

Strega Prize

Since 2019, active readers at our Presidio can participate in the readers’ jury of the Strega Prize, competing to define the Società Dante Alighieri winning author and joining the initiatives organized by the Societa’ Dante Alighieri in concert with the Bellonci Foundation

If you are interested in participating in the initiatives of our Presidio Lettario, please contact our secretariat office.