Award Ceremony of the Prize of Translation “Issa Naouri” 2018
6 pm: Opening greetings by Vice president Suzanne Ghawi and reading of a passage from “Pellicola negra: confessioni” by Issa Naouri, a tribute on the 100 anniversary of his birth.
6.15 pm: Greetings from H.E. Fabio Cassese, ambassador of Italy in Jordan.
6.20pm: Skype interview with Marco Balzano, Italian writer.
6.40 pm “The literary translation in the Arab world” panel with professors of University of Jordan: prof. Mahmoud Jaran, docente di Letteratura italiana
prof. Jihad Al-Shuaibi Vicepreside della Facoltà di Lingue straniere
prof. Mahdi Isa coordinatore del dipartimento di Lingua tedesca
7:15 pm: awarding of the winners with Mr. Jamal Naouri.
ore 19:30: Refreshment